Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

3 Times You Need to Drop the Act and Be Honest with the Hiring Manager

"You’ve probably been told countless times not to show your hand during the interview process, especially when it comes to letting a hiring manager in on other opportunities you’ve lined up. As a recruiter in a previous life, I’ve heard the gamut of textbook answers to the simple question, 'Where are you in your search?'"

Read the full article by Richard Moy at TheMuse.com . . .

17 Proofreading Techniques for Business Communication

"Finally. Your document is just about complete. It’s been written, reviewed, compiled, and re-reviewed. With the final edits in place, it’s now ready to be proofread."

"Proofreading can seem like a simple task in business communication. However, the attention to detail and intense focus it requires means that proofreading is as challenging as it is important.

"However, there are many tactics you can use to ensure this task is completed well and effectively. This article highlights our top strategies."

Read the full article by Mary Cullen (photo, left) . . .

6 Reasons Why One May Be a Bad Listener (and How to Change It)

"It may seem counterintuitive, but the way to achieve success is to make the people around you successful, says Fred Halstead, author of Leadership Skills that Inspire Incredible Results. “It’s not particularly intuitive; in our society we believe in ‘me first,'” he says."

"To help others succeed you have to become good at listening. Listening is more than simply hearing what someone has to say. You also need to be thinking how you can help the other person achieve the best results by carefully considering their words and asking thoughtful questions, says Halstead [photo, left].

“'If you just hear the words without hearing what the person actually intends to say, you will miss the opportunity to gain the essential clarity and results you seek,' he says."

Read the full article . . .

Smart Ways to Handle Snark and Trolls on Social Media

"As a TV meteorologist, Emily Sutton has been on the receiving end of negative comments for a decade. Here’s how she deals with them."

Read the full article . . .

7 Lessons I Never Forgot from the Best Bosses I Ever Had

"A good boss shows you the ropes of your industry and guides you in achieving your long-term goals."

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Lake Superior State University’s 44th Annual List of Banished Words

"The wordsmiths at Lake Superior State University have released LSSU’s 44th annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness."

Read the full article . . .

Should You “Fake It Until You Make It?”

From Eric Barker at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Read the full article . . .

5 Secrets That Will Help You Master Conversation Skills

According to Eric Barker (photo, left), "I’ve posted about the fundamentals of networking, and even how introverts can network but many people have written to me asking about the nitty gritty of conversation skills."

"What do you say when you’re face to face?

"It’s a good question that isn’t often addressed. First impressions matter even more than you think. And once they’re set, they are very hard to resist.

"Let’s break it down:. . ."

Read the full article Eric's blog - bakadesuyo.com . . .

Another Sign for You to Proofread

My friend Eric W. sent me a sign that needs your proofreading eye. What would you change? Please share your recommendations in a comment. If your company or organization has a sign-making department, suggest that one of its team members…

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How to Be Creative When You’re Feeling Stressed

"More than just lightly toasted, your brain feels singed."

"You’re burned out, and the cumulative stress makes it hard to decide what to eat for dinner, let alone come up with innovative ideas. But people are still expecting you to produce creative solutions despite your current mental state. What do you do?"

Author bio – Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a "time management coach and the founder of Real Life E Time Coaching & Speaking. She is author of How to Invest Your Time Like Money and Divine Time Management."

Read the full article by Elizabeth Grace Saunders (photo, left...
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