Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors will always keep instructors current and ready for class. Discover the latest tips and techniques that will keep you sharp and on the cutting edge.
The first authors in the field to write an instructor blog, Bovée and Thill share instructional insights, offer advice on incorporating digital media, social media, mobile communication, and other technologies into the course, and provide compelling examples of good and bad business communication.
Bovée says, "As instructors grapple with large class sizes and heavy advising loads, we are constantly on the lookout for ways that we can assist. By sharing best practices and offering innovative ideas and resources, we can help instructors spend less time preparing lectures and activities and more time teaching and working one-on-one with their students."
Adds Thill, "Our textbooks are used in dozens of countries. This blog gives us a way to share new ideas quickly with business communication instructors throughout the world."
With its focus on all original content, this blog complements the authors' existing website, Business Communication Headline News (a media curation service in which the authors hand-pick the best business communication articles and resources from across the Internet at, and their unique online content-updating service for instructors and students, Bovée & Thill's Real-Time Updates (
Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors also provides links to the latest news about Bovée and Thill, information about Bovée and Thill's textbooks, instructor support resources, and links to teaching instructors' communities on Facebook and LinkedIn.Y
You'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your classes that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites and take advantage of the wonderful classroom resources: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit this page.
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