Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

How to Get Every Email Returned

"In the course of doing research for a book on how people actually change their minds, and what gets them to say “yes” rather than "’no,’” I was distressed to find that I knew much less about it than I thought I did.


"I figured that my nearly five years as the New York Times Op-Ed editor gave me a pretty strong vantage point on what worked and what didn’t. It did — but I didn’t always know why.


"What I sensed intuitively about effective writing turned out to rest on some deep psychological truths. Understanding them provides tactics that can be exploited in both personal and written interactions."

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.nytimes.com

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Artificial Intelligence Tutorial : All You Need to Know about AI

Artificial Intelligence is a Buzzword in the Industry today and for a good reason. AI or Artificial Intelligence has already made so much progress in the technological field and, according to a Gartner Report, Artificial Intelligence is going to create 2.3 million jobs by 2020, replacing the 1.8 million it will eliminate. So, Let’s get started.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.edureka.co

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5 Perfect Opening Lines for Your Cover Letter

"When you apply for any job, the very first tool you will use to grab the attention of employers is your cover letter. (Yes, there are of course companies that are so big they don’t have time for cover letters. But plenty of hiring managers at small and mid-sized companies do read them, myself included.) A cover letter highlights the reasons you are the best person for the job and how you will benefit the company. It also demonstrates your ability to effectively communicate your objective and unique value proposition. That’s why the opening lines of your cover letter are so important — you need to hook the employer so they want to continue reading and learn more about you," writes Heather Huhman (photo, left) in a piece at GlassDoor.com.

"There’s no one right way to open your cover letter, but there are a few techniques you can try to make your letter stand out. Here are five ways to write the opening lines of your next cover letter: . . ."

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Want to Speak from the Heart? Answer This Question First

"'Why you?' is the single most powerful question you can ask yourself when you’re preparing to give a professional speech or presentation. It’s where you put aside the day-to-day details of your job and the internal politics of your organization and zoom in on the sense of purpose that guides all your actions."

Read the full article by Allison Shapiro (photo, left) . . .

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Email Killing Your Productivity? Here Are 9 Ways to Fight Back

"One hundred twenty-six. That’s how many emails are expected to be sent and received per business worker, per day, in 2019. Even more startling? We spend 28 percent of our work week on emails. That comes out to more than 11 hours per week."

"While intended to be a productivity tool, for most people, email is a serious distraction that prevents them from getting more important work done. Consider that whenever you stop working on a task to check your inbox, it’s going to take you 23 minutes to get back on track. If you’re the type of person who instinctively opens an email whenever you receive a notification — how can you possibly get anything accomplished?

"The good news is that email doesn’t have to kill your productivity as long as you take the following steps."

Read the full article . . .

If You Hate Small Talk, Master This Conversation Starter

"For me, there are few things more torturous in life than small talk. I don't care about your sports team. I have nothing interesting to say about the weather, and for the love of all that's holy, don't make me talk about the comparative merits of various afternoon activities at one more kid birthday party," writes Jessica Stillman (photo, left).

"So what can I — and all my fellow small talk haters — do to escape vapid chitchat? . . ."

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Top 10 Business Communication Trends in 2019

Communication is one of the fundamental elements of a business. Customers, partners, and remote employees are exactly the people you should be able to stay in touch with 24/7.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.chanty.com

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Naval Ravikant: The Angel Philosopher on Investing, Making Decisions, Happiness and the Meaning of Life

"Naval Ravikant (@naval) is the CEO and co-founder of AngelList. He’s invested in more than 100 companies, including Uber, Twitter, Yammer, and many others."

"It’s difficult to nail down exactly what we discuss in our conversation because I had so many questions to ask him. Naval is an incredibly deep thinker who challenges the status quo on so many things. This is an interview you’ll want to listen to, think a bit, and then listen to again."

Listen to the podcast, or download the transcript, at Farnham Street . . .

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We Added New Words to the Dictionary in April 2019

"More than 640 new words, from 'bioabsorbable' to 'bottle episode.'"

Read the full article . . .

How to Diffuse an Office Conflict in 60 Seconds or Less

"Here's how you can resolve a sudden conflict in 60 seconds or less using the LEAF strategy, although it may not work for deeper, longstanding conflicts."

Read the full article by Chelsea Greenwood (photo, left) . . .
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