Abby Wolfe tells the story of Erin McKean (photo, left) who went from lexicographer to start-up founder.
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Abby Wolfe tells the story of Erin McKean (photo, left) who went from lexicographer to start-up founder.
Read the full article . . .Teaching a Modern Business Communication Couse is an online magazine by Bovee & Thill, authors of the leading textbooks in business communication, featuring resources for business communication and business writing instructors. Recent posts include
Do you use the abbreviations i.e. and e.g. in your business writing? Do you use them interchangeably, or does each expression have its place? How would you define them if a child asked you what they meant? To think about…
Read more“But, does it have the right tone?”
You’ve likely asked yourself this question, if not your colleagues or friends. And it’s not an easy one. Business writing is challenging not only to communicate the intention, but to communicate it in the right way.
Read more"I’ll cop to (possibly) having lost control of my inbox now and again, swamped by the waves of incoming missives flowing over the transom. Yet it still remains one of the most convenient and speedy forms of global communication," offers Michael Fertig (photo, left) in a piece at
"That said, we could all probably do less of it. Much, much less. But here are six email types worth the electronic ink."
Author bio – Michael Fertik is the Executive Chairman and Founder of For more of his bio visit his website –
Read the full article . . .Reading yesterday’s New York Times, I came upon the word polymath, and I couldn’t confidently determine its meaning from the context. Can you define the word? Here’s how The NYT used it: The debut season of “Atlanta,” the FX series…
Read more"Do employees complain that your company suffers from a lack of communication? That the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? Maybe the one doing the complaining is you. Or perhaps, as many companies do, you conducted an employee engagement survey and “lack of communication” emerged as a top gripe," writes Art Markman (photo, left) in a piece at
"I’d like to suggest that this problem may not be what it seems. . . ."
Read the full article . . .March 4th is Grammar Day and we are celebrating with a new infographic with six advanced grammar mistakes. Each year Grammar Day presents the opportunity to review tricky grammar mistakes that can cause trouble for even the most advanced writers.
Read more"For most of us, language is transparent. In other words, we do not see what it is or how it works. That is what I call a communication blind spot. If you are blind to what is going on when you communicate in your own language, imagine how much you do not see when communicating in English as a second language with people from different cultures. Specifically, you cannot see what you need to change about how you speak, write and listen when using English within your particular intercultural business context. I call that an intercultural communication blind spot."
Read the full article . . .I got an email yesterday from the organizers of a literary festival I’m going to attend. It shared reminders about parking and registration. I knew where to park, but I needed to know where registration was. So I went directly…
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