Imagine this scenario: Your supervisor emails you with a message that says “Please edit the attachment.” Or perhaps the instruction is “Fix the attached” or “Please give this piece some polish.” What does it mean to edit, fix, or polish…
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Imagine this scenario: Your supervisor emails you with a message that says “Please edit the attachment.” Or perhaps the instruction is “Fix the attached” or “Please give this piece some polish.” What does it mean to edit, fix, or polish…
Read moreThere are so many search engines out there! But you only need these tools to find the best of the web today. Bing, Dogpile, Google Scholar and more!
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Read more"As researchers in learning and text comprehension, our recent work has focused on the differences between reading print and digital media."
"While new forms of classroom technology like digital textbooks are more accessible and portable, it would be wrong to assume that students will automatically be better served by digital reading simply because they prefer it."
Author bio – Ms. Alexander is Professor of Psychology, University of Maryland.
Read the full article by Patricia A. Alexander (photo, left) a..."Pay attention to that first time the boss’s guidance feels very prescriptive or more precise than you expected. You’re still in what we call the “forgiveness zone,” which means you can regain their trust through quick corrective actions. Ask them whether there was something you did recently that triggered their feedback. Have them explain what they would have done differently in that situation. Listen carefully. They are describing their expectations about the right approach to how they want things done or the real priority they want you to focus on. Adapt your workflow to meet their expectations, and make sure to demonstrate, in ways that are highly visible to them, your new behaviors or your heightened emphasis on their priorities."
Read the full article by Jay A. Conger (photo, left) and Allan...The standards of writing change. What was once correct in business messages now comes across as old-fashioned–or does it? Take this true-false test to check your knowledge of basic formatting standards for business letters and emails. Note: The questions and…
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We compared technology coverage in eight business communication textbooks—and the winner is clear!
For proof of the winner, visit Bovee and Thill are the recognized leaders in technology in business communication texts.
For examination copies (instructors only), visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork:com/texts.
Read more"Due to a general lack of awareness about the nature of listening, both speakers and listeners are using the same faulty assumptions. Speakers assume that the listener has heard what they said as they intended it. Listeners assume that they have interpreted accurately. In other words, both sides are sure they are right and are convinced that the communication was successfully transmitted. But if a problem arises out of a miscommunication, who is typically blamed for it?"
"I have noticed over the decades in my work with clients, from a variety of professions and cultures, that we all share something in common; if there is a miscommunication, most of us blame the listener for not listening correctly. I challenge that. . . ."
Read the full article by Sherwood Fleming (photo, left) . . .Looking for help with your next proposal?
Preparing a proposal is an important but often daunting task. From preparation, to design, to review, there are many stages to achieve a winning bid.
Read moreI expect a book on communication—which is what storytelling is—to teach me something new or remind me of truths I had better not forget. Rob Biesenbach’s Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results surpassed my expectations,…
Read more"Communication is like the air we breathe; it is transparent. When we are speaking our native language we all assume that how we communicate is good enough. Few of us consider that how we write, speak and listen has evolved over our lifetimes. There are five key influences that have formed our style: genetics, family, culture, education and profession. Here are the kinds of questions I have my clients explore when working with me. Answer them for yourself to discover the influences on your unique communication style."
Read the full article by Sherwood Fleming (photo, left) . . .