Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

5 Steps for Effective Business Writing

"A lot of writing for business is sloppy, poorly written, disorganized, littered with jargon, and incomplete. Often it is either too long or too short. All these attributes contribute to ineffective business writing."

"Whether you are writing a sales proposal, an email to your boss, or an instruction manual for a software package, there are certain steps you must follow to be effective.  Follow these five steps: . . ."

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Stuck on the Right Words for Sensitive Topics? Get AP 2018

If you create newsletter articles, HR policies, forms, reports, or other pieces that touch on current topics and data, you may catch yourself wondering about word choice: transgender or transgendered? Eskimo or Inuit? Survivor or victim? The latest AP Stylebook…

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The Deadly Customer Service Mistake Your Business Is Probably Making (Without Even Knowing It)

"The customer service mistake that nearly every business makes, over and over again, is to treat every customer the same.  It's understandable that they would fall into this way of doing business, because the alternative-treating every customer as an individual-is more complicated and challenging than pretending that one size fits all."

"Here are just a few of the ways customers are different, and that require you to treat them differently: . . ."

Read the full article by Michah Solomon (photo, left) . . .

Write It Right in Your New Job

A man recently contacted me about wanting to be successful in his new job. He realized his writing was not what it needed to be. If you have a new job, congratulations! Being successful in a new position requires learning…

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17 Proofreading Techniques for Business Communication

Proofreading Techniques

Finally. Your document is just about complete. It’s been written, reviewed, compiled and re-reviewed. With the final edits in place, it’s now ready to be proofread.

Proofreading can seem like a simple task in business communication. However, the attention to detail and intense focus it requires means that proofreading is as challenging as it is important.

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The Resume of the Future Will Tell Employers Who You Are, and Not Just What You’ve Done

According to Oliver Staley (photo, left), "Resumes are a poor proxy for a human being."

"Whether on paper or LinkedIn, they may tell an employer about a job seeker’s experience and credentials, but they’re frustratingly silent about almost everything else. They have virtually nothing to say about a candidate’s personality, or their character, or their ability to persuade and communicate—all soft skills that employers consider essential ingredients for success."

Read the full article . . .

How to Write Mighty Thank-Yous

In my survey on business writing and relationships of 686 adults, 81 percent of respondents said that a thank-you note they received had a definite positive influence on their decision to do business with a company or an individual again….

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127 Top Business Jargon Examples and How to Fix Them

"Skilled business writing rejects jargon. Yet, industry-specific phrases and buzzwords are very commonly used. Even the best writers can fall into the jargon trap if they’re not careful."

"Fortunately, by using the right perspective, you can be revise jargon out of your text or avoid it in the first place. "

Read the full article by Mary Cullen (photo, left) . . .

127 Top Business Jargon Examples [And How to Fix Them]

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Instructional Solutions Launches Free Writing Tool to Eliminate Jargon

Writing a story? View the entire press kit here.

Instructional Solutions, a business writing instruction leader, has launched the Jargon Grader to eliminate one of business writing’s biggest problems: jargon.

The free, web-based tool allows business writers to paste in their own text for assessment. The Jargon Grader highlights how many times jargon appears in that text and identifies the words needing clarification.

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