Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Science: You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span Than a Goldfish

"The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, highlighting the affects of an increasingly digitalized lifestyle on the brain."

Sourced through Scoop.it from: time.com

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True – False Test on Formatting Business Letters and Emails

"The standards of writing change. What was once correct in business messages now comes across as old-fashioned–or does it? Take this true-false test to check your knowledge of basic formatting standards for business letters and emails."

Take the test by Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) . . .

I Should Have Known Better

As a business writing expert, I should have known that I’d get the wrong response. I had written the email in a way that was easy for me but misleading for my reader, a woman named Lea. Requesting a tour…

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I Should Have Known Better

As a business writing expert, I should have known that I’d get the wrong response. I had written the email in a way that was easy for me but misleading for my reader, a woman named Lea. Requesting a tour…

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Write It Right in Your New Job

"A man recently contacted me about wanting to be successful in his new job. He realized his writing was not what it needed to be," writes Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left).

"If you have a new job, congratulations! Being successful in a new position requires learning and doing new things and accomplishing old things new ways. To write successfully in your new position, take the practical steps below."

Read the full article . . .

An Awkward Request Phrased Beautifully

Scenario: Imagine that you run a classy beachside hotel. Many of the hotel rooms have balconies that face the beach. Everyone walking from the beach toward the hotel can see the balconies. When guests hang wet bathing suits, towels, and…

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An Awkward Request Phrased Beautifully

Scenario: Imagine that you run a classy beachside hotel. Many of the hotel rooms have balconies that face the beach. Everyone walking from the beach toward the hotel can see the balconies. When guests hang wet bathing suits, towels, and…

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Do You Give Readers the “Why” They Need?

The other night I was traveling from Boston to my home, Seattle. When I arrived at my connection city, Denver, at 7:15 p.m. I received this text message: Your Flight ___ on August 6 from DEN now departs at 11:55…

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Do You Give Readers the “Why” They Need?

The other night I was traveling from Boston to my home, Seattle. When I arrived at my connection city, Denver, at 7:15 p.m. I received this text message: Your Flight ___ on August 6 from DEN now departs at 11:55…

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Test Yourself: Which Pronoun Is Correct?

There’s a hit song titled “Him and I” whose ungrammatical title and lyrics drive me nuts. A correct title would be either “Him and Me” or “He and I”–never “Him and I.” Why? Because him is an object pronoun, and…

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