Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

27 Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker

"For many, public speaking is right up there with dying on the list of things people hate or fear most. But at some point in your professional life, chances are good you’ll have to stand in front of a room full of people and lead a meeting or give a speech."

"Chances are even better that if you prepare both yourself and your speech instead of winging it, you might stand a chance of doing a great job instead of just a meh one. But how can you get past the dread and anxiety that comes with public speaking?"

See the tips brought to you by Rachel Weingarten (photo, left)...

Do You Come Across as Arrogant? 5 Workplace Behaviors to Curb

"Many of us have had to battle the specter of arrogance at one time or another. No one is perfect, and the particularly intelligent must be especially careful about slipping into egotistical behavior," writes Joel Garfinkle (photo, left) in a piece at SmartBrief.com.

"If you worry about being perceived as arrogant at work, read on to check your tendencies and learn about the alternative habits you should be perfecting. Even the most humble have to be wary of any action that can seem arrogant — it’s the wrong way to get noticed, especially when you’re working to climb the corporate ladder."

Read the full article . . .

Introduction to Research

"Research needs and requirements vary with each assignment, project or paper. Although there is no single "right" way to conduct research, certain methods and skills can make your research efforts more efficient and effective."

See the web page put out by Cornell University Library . . .

How Do You Feel About Sloppy Supplier Messages?

A reader named Deborah shared a short email she recently received: Dear Sirs, pls let me have by return the supp docs about yr a.m. invoice because we cannot find our shpm. Thks and rgds How would you feel if…

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How Do You Feel About Sloppy Supplier Messages?

A reader named Deborah shared a short email she recently received: Dear Sirs, pls let me have by return the supp docs about yr a.m. invoice because we cannot find our shpm. Thks and rgds How would you feel if…

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Proofreading Checklist to Avoid “Oops!” Messages

I just received an “Oops!” email from our beloved, prestigious public television station. When I read the subject line, “Oops! Correction for Rick Steves Preview Screening and Q+A!” I instantly knew what the oops must be: a date error. Indeed,…

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Proofreading Checklist to Avoid “Oops!” Messages

I just received an “Oops!” email from our beloved, prestigious public television station. When I read the subject line, “Oops! Correction for Rick Steves Preview Screening and Q+A!” I instantly knew what the oops must be: a date error. Indeed,…

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Why You’re Not Using Enough Gestures in Your Presentations

"Author Vanessa Edwards and her team watched thousands of hours of TED Talks and noticed something surprising: The least popular TED Talkers used an average of 272 hand gestures during their 18-minute presentations, while the most popular used an average of 465 hand gestures in the same amount of time. As she noted on her blog, that’s almost double."

"Gesturing properly can add tremendous impact to your speech. After all, your audience is doing more than listening to your words when you’re giving a presentation. They’re looking out for your body language, expressions, tone of voice, and, yes, your hand gestures. But there are also other, less conspicuous reasons why incorporating gestures can make your talk more effective and compelling. Here are a few of them."

Read the full article by Annet Grant (photo, left) at FastComp...

Should You “Dumb It Down”?

Yesterday while coaching a scientist on her writing, I suggested that she consider simplifying this wording: “The results of this trial may elucidate the most efficacious intervention strategies . . .” Can you guess which words I thought were overly…

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Should You “Dumb It Down”?

esterday while coaching a scientist on her writing, I suggested that she consider simplifying this wording: “The results of this trial may elucidate the most efficacious intervention strategies . . .” Can you guess which words I thought were overly…

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