Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Apostrophe Doubts? Review and Test Yourself.

A dear friend just told me about an embarrassing apostrophe situation she experienced at work. She had just put up a sign with the heading October Birthday’s, which listed employee and member birthdays, when someone stopped and stared grimly at…

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How to Talk to Anyone with Ease and Confidence

"How can you have dazzling conversation with everyone you meet? I have a few tricks and tips to using easy conversation starters that lead amazing and memorable conversation. Check out this video on the art (and science) of sparkling conversation."

Watch the video by Vanessa Van Edwards . . .

From Chatbots to VR: How Technology Is Forcing Business Communication to Both Poles of the Humanness Spectrum

Businesses can only operate as effectively as they can communicate. The ability to share information, develop relationships, and negotiate will define enterprise success."

Sourced through Scoop.it from: expand.openviewpartners.com

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Nine Thinking Patterns That Are Holding You Back and How to Stop Them

"The moment something unforeseen happens, we humans tend to slip into negative thinking habits."

"Not only do these thinking patterns drag you down when it comes to completing your goals — they can, in extreme cases, be detrimental to your health."

Nathalie Gaulhiac interviews Elke Overdick (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.com.

Read the full article . . .

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Nauseous vs. Nauseated–Which Is She?

My dear friend just had major surgery in another city. Texting me to let me know how she is, her husband wrote, “She’s nauseous a lot.” But is she nauseous or nauseated? What do you think? Word sticklers distinguish between…

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Nauseous vs. Nauseated–Which Is She?

My dear friend just had major surgery in another city. Texting me to let me know how she is, her husband wrote, "She's nauseous a lot." But is she nauseous or nauseated? What do you think? Word sticklers distinguish between…

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Instructional Solutions Celebrates 20 Years [Here is What We Learned]

I’d like to share with you why I founded Instructional Solutions 20 years ago this month and offer three tips about writing, business, and life.

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27 Tips to Become a Better Public Speaker

"For many, public speaking is right up there with dying on the list of things people hate or fear most. But at some point in your professional life, chances are good you’ll have to stand in front of a room full of people and lead a meeting or give a speech."

"Chances are even better that if you prepare both yourself and your speech instead of winging it, you might stand a chance of doing a great job instead of just a meh one. But how can you get past the dread and anxiety that comes with public speaking?"

See the tips brought to you by Rachel Weingarten (photo, left)...

Do You Come Across as Arrogant? 5 Workplace Behaviors to Curb

"Many of us have had to battle the specter of arrogance at one time or another. No one is perfect, and the particularly intelligent must be especially careful about slipping into egotistical behavior," writes Joel Garfinkle (photo, left) in a piece at SmartBrief.com.

"If you worry about being perceived as arrogant at work, read on to check your tendencies and learn about the alternative habits you should be perfecting. Even the most humble have to be wary of any action that can seem arrogant — it’s the wrong way to get noticed, especially when you’re working to climb the corporate ladder."

Read the full article . . .

Introduction to Research

"Research needs and requirements vary with each assignment, project or paper. Although there is no single "right" way to conduct research, certain methods and skills can make your research efforts more efficient and effective."

See the web page put out by Cornell University Library . . .
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