Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Why the Future of Social Media Will Depend on Artificial Intelligence

Social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn must use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to make sense of the sea of human data coming at them. So, you can say, future of social media really depends upon AI.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.smartdatacollective.com

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Why Managers Don’t Listen (Poor Listener Syndrome): and the Cures!

"Actually, it’s not just managers that don’t listen – it’s also employees, husbands, wives, kids, students, teachers, and just about human being with two ears. However, this is a management and leadership resource, so we’ll stick with listening in the context of a management skill," writes Dan McCarthy (photo, left) at his website.

"So if listening is such an important management skill and it’s an ability we were born with, why do so many managers get feedback that say they are poor listeners? That’s an issue I’ve explored with several managers when I review their 360 assessment results. Here are the seven most frequent reasons, and a prescription for each cause: . . ."

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How Many Spaces Should Be After a Period? (One vs. Two)

Image from Cult of Pedagogy

Here is a client question received today, which I often hear in business writing courses:

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How to Make Blogging Easier with Artificial Intelligence

Blogging can be made significantly easier, faster, and more impactful using artificial intelligence. Here’s how.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.marketingaiinstitute.com

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Brainstorming Meetings (Part 1)

"Brainstorming sessions can be a great way to generate new ideas, whether you’re naming a new product, thinking of ways to cut costs, or figuring out ways of solving tricky business problems. But running – and participating in – a brainstorming session can be a challenge. Groups need to feel comfortable and open, but still maintain focus. And everyone involved needs be diplomatic about how they suggest and respond to ideas."

"Fortunately, there are techniques and language that you can use to make brainstorming more effective. Today we’ll look at some of this language. . . ."

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Can Your Writing Pass This Test? Take It to Find Out.

It’s easy to fall into bad writing habits at work. Sometimes it’s because we are racing. Sometimes it’s because we have read enough swollen sentences, obscure acronyms, and endless messages to lower our standards. And sometimes we write on autopilot….

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Can Your Writing Pass This Test? Take It to Find Out.

It’s easy to fall into bad writing habits at work. Sometimes it’s because we are racing. Sometimes it’s because we have read enough swollen sentences, obscure acronyms, and endless messages to lower our standards. And sometimes we write on autopilot….

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How These 50 Innovative Companies Are Changing the World for Good

"More companies than ever are using the profit motive to help the planet and tackle social problems. Here’s our fourth annual list of the best of them."

Read the full article at Fortune.com . . .

No More Phones in Meetings?

"For years, I’ve been surveying executives about their biggest communication pet peeves. This behavior [phones in meetings] is their #1 complaint. Most of them say everyone’s doing it, especially their boss, so maybe it’s not a big deal?" writes Erin Donley (photo, left) in an article at HuffingtonPost.com.

"Don’t allow yourself to be brainwashed. It is a big deal. It’s a power play. It’s bad manners. It’s inconsiderate. Non-verbally it says, “I’m more important than you.”

"Allow me to introduce a concept called 'Whole Face Listening.'”

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Apostrophe Doubts? Review and Test Yourself.

A dear friend just told me about an embarrassing apostrophe situation she experienced at work. She had just put up a sign with the heading October Birthday’s, which listed employee and member birthdays, when someone stopped and stared grimly at…

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