Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

How to Be Creative When You’re Feeling Stressed

"More than just lightly toasted, your brain feels singed."

"You’re burned out, and the cumulative stress makes it hard to decide what to eat for dinner, let alone come up with innovative ideas. But people are still expecting you to produce creative solutions despite your current mental state. What do you do?"

Author bio – Elizabeth Grace Saunders is a "time management coach and the founder of Real Life E Time Coaching & Speaking. She is author of How to Invest Your Time Like Money and Divine Time Management."

Read the full article by Elizabeth Grace Saunders (photo, left...

How to Say English Letters: American English Alphabet Pronunciation

"You have to use the alphabet to spell things out ALL the time! Your name, your street, a confusing word… but what if you struggle to pronounce English letters??? It can be SO frustrating! In this lesson, you'll learn how to pronounce the English alphabet letters clearly and I'll share a tip on using emphasis and pausing to make sure you eliminate frustrating spelling situations from your conversations!"

Watch the YouTube video by Keenyn Rhodes . . .

Three Quests for Errors

Are you feeling smart and alert today? Test yourself in the three short passages below. Each “Error Quest” has just one error. Find and correct it. Error Quest 1: Since you asked, this is RoAnn’s and my suggestion: We believe…

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Since vs. Because [Are They Interchangeable?]

According to the APA Style Blog, “since” and “because” have specific meanings and should not be interchanged:

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Are You Envious–or Jealous?

Envious? Jealous? Do you use these words interchangeably? Or do you make a distinction between them? Test your understanding by filling in these blanks: I am _______________ of my neighbors’ gorgeous backyard. Rob feels _______________ when he sees Carlos talking…

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Why Rejection Hurts So Much — and What to Do about It

"Psychologist Guy Winch shares some practical tips for soothing the sting of rejection."

Read the full article . . .

An Unimpressive Message From My Dentist

I want the best in dentistry–not business writing–from my dentist. But I’m still disappointed when I receive a pointless, error-filled email like the one below. In it, I have changed the name of the dental practice to “Your Favorite Dentist.”…

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Can Your Writing Pass This Test? Take It to Find Out

"It's easy to fall into bad writing habits at work. Sometimes it's because we are racing. Sometimes it's because we have read enough swollen sentences, obscure acronyms, and endless messages to lower our standards. And sometimes we write on autopilot," writes Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) in a piece at at her blog – BusinessWritingBlog.com.

"Let's find out if your writing passes a test."

Read the full article . . .

Personal, Tangible Greetings: Why and When to Send Them

When is the last time you sent a card or note to a business associate? If it’s that long, read on for a nudge and some inspiration. The Case for Tangible Messages Thousands of unread messages fill my email inbox,…

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More Help Understanding Native English: 19 Super Common Word Pairs That Reduce

"GONNA, COULDA, HAFTA, LOTSA- what??? Another reason native speakers can be hard to understand is we combine common word pairs- ALL the time! In this lesson, you will learn about 19 of these SUPER common word pairs. Knowing these everyday reductions can help you sound more natural and native in your spoken English and will also be HUGELY helpful when trying to understand native speakers!"

Watch the video by Keenyn Rhodes . . .
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