Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

The Trap of Early Feedback

According to Seth Godin (photo, left), “We skew our thinking based on the first feedback we get. That’s the moment of maximum fragility, and so our radar is on high alert.”

“But the math doesn’t hold up, and this high alert can destroy our most important work.”

Read the full article . . .

The Secret to Sounding Smarter in Meetings? Ask the “Dumb” Questions

“Want to communicate more effectively? Then you need to ask more questions. Not just any questions will do; to be really successful, you need to ask the most basic, fundamental questions possible-in fact, the dumbest questions you can think of.

Why? Good question. Because the only way you’ll successfully communicate is by putting yourself in the shoes of your least knowledgeable audience member. To do so, you need to forget that you know anything and ask questions like these: . . .”

Read the full article by Alison Davis of Inc. . . .

No, You Can’t Ignore Email. It’s Rude.

“Being overwhelmed is no excuse. It’s hard to be good at your job if you’re bad at responding to people.”

Read the full article by Adam Grant (photo, left) at NYTimes.c...

Fear the Conversations You’re Not Having

“Challenging management and performance conversations regularly run off the rails. They are often muddled, mixed-up, and monumentally massacred. Nonetheless, at least people are attempting to talk about the tough topics—even if things occasionally go cattywampus (look it up!) with them. The conversations I genuinely worry about are the ones that aren’t taking place. As a leader, just thinking about what’s not getting talked about ]should scare the daylights out of you.”

Read the full article . . .

What Is the Best Quarter Abbreviation Format? (Q1, First Quarter, IVQ, 1st qtr)

As we kick off the first quarter of 2019, many of us are planning work and strategies across the year. Business typically breaks years down by quarters as we plan that work. A client from one of our courses recently asked a good question:

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A Large Amount of Mistakes

Today I was reading an article online in Forbes. I expect Forbes to produce error-free articles, but an error popped out in this sentence: When you stop to think about it, the sheer amount of websites can also confuse and…

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Does Humming Attract Birds? A Punctuation Problem

My friend Eric W., a great sign spotter, sent me this photo for your enjoyment. He asks, “What does it hum?” I ask you, “What is the problem with the heading below?” It’s an easy problem for a snowy Monday…

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Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Shy Away from Small Talk

"Casual conversations can sometimes lead us to moments of real connection. News director and radio host Kyle Kellams [photo, left] explains how."

Read the full article by Mary Halton at Ideas.Ted.com . . .

Teach Your Students How to Face New Business Communication Challenges

"From writing effective tweets to deciding whether to use emojis, today's employees face a host of new choices and challenges. Help students prepare with the most up-to-date text available, Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition."

Watch the short video . . .

Acronyms and SMEs–Help!

Tim wrote today with an acronym situation he would like to resolve. What do you think about his desire to spell out acronyms and initialisms, even when writing for SMEs (subject-matter experts)? Here is his message: I read your blog…

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