Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Bovee and Thill: Leading Textbook Authors in Business Communication

Bovee and Thill have been the leading business communication textbook authors for more than 30 years. Their innovative, high-quality textbooks have consistently been on the cutting edge. They were the first to

Textbook Support                                        

  • cover digital media
  • cover social media
  • cover mobile business communication
  • cover intelligent technologies and artificial intelligence
  • cover essential communication technologies as they went mainstream in the business world, such as email, blogs, microblogs (Twitter), data visualization, e-portfolios, infographics, text messaging, and virtual meetings
  • cover business etiquette
  • cover communication in a diverse world and recognize the importance of diversity in photographs and exhibits
  • cover developing presentations in a social media environment
  • cover enhancing presentations with slides
  • discuss and show pictures of real companies and to include a Company Index
  • write chapter-opening vignettes to help students see how real professionals use chapter concepts and skills
  • write about real companies in exercises and cases
  • include cases that involve the full range of contemporary business media, from blog posts to text messaging
  • cover digital video as a major business communication medium
  • create the name and concept for "Letters for Analysis"
  • create the name and concept for "Document Makeovers"
  • create the name and concept for “On the Job” business communication simulations
  • receive an Award for Excellence from the Textbook Authors Association for a business communication textbook

Instructor Support and Interaction

  • become active and widely known users of emerging digital media, developing hands-on experience that is reflected in their textbook content
  • have a business communication blog
  • offer a business communication news service, Business Communication Headline News, for adopters and their students
  • provide Real-Time Updates, a web-based service featuring the latest articles, videos, PowerPoints, infographics, websites, and podcasts to adopters and their students, categorized by the chapters in Bovee & Thill's textbooks
  • offer online magazines, 10 in all, each one dedicated to an important business communication topic along with a weekly newsletter of the most popular articles
  • offer a Business Communication Pictorial Gallery on Pinterest
  • have a business communication channel on YouTube
  • have a Teaching Business Communication group on LinkedIn and on Facebook (with a combined membership of over 4,300 instructors)
  • be on Twitter as business communication authors
  • offer dozens of business communication slide programs that they've created (available on SlideShare)
  • to email a video newsletter several times each semester
  • have a website that focuses on instruction, “Teaching Business Communication”
  • have been recognized for their contributions to the field by the Governor of Massachusetts and the Boston Red Sox.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Bovee and Thill should be proud, because they’re the most imitated authors in the field. Their texts set the standard by which other textbooks in the field are judged.

Take advantage of these leading authors extensive collection of free resources for instructors and students, the most voluminous in the history of business communication publishing. You can see the full list at http://blog.businesscommunicationnetwork.com/resources.

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Watch This Video Now: What You Need to Know about Teaching Business Communication

Teaching Business Communication with a Mobile Communication Component

Are the authors of the business communication textbook you've adopted still pretending mobile communication doesn't exist?

Be Sure Your Textbook Has Full Coverage of Mobile Business Communication by 2015-2016

In teaching business communication, for an abundance of useful teaching materials for your business communication course, we suggest you visit these websites: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This sites will provide great assistance in teaching business communication.

Visit this page to order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook.

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Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors

Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors will always keep instructors current and ready for class. Discover the latest tips and techniques that will keep you sharp and on the cutting edge.

The first authors in the field to write an instructor blog, Bovée and Thill share instructional insights, offer advice on incorporating digital media, social media, mobile communication, and other technologies into the course, and provide compelling examples of good and bad business communication.

Bovée says, "As instructors grapple with large class sizes and heavy advising loads, we are constantly on the lookout for ways that we can assist. By sharing best practices and offering innovative ideas and resources, we can help instructors spend less time preparing lectures and activities and more time teaching and working one-on-one with their students."

Adds Thill, "Our textbooks are used in dozens of countries. This blog gives us a way to share new ideas quickly with business communication instructors throughout the world."

With its focus on all original content, this blog complements the authors' existing website, Business Communication Headline News (a media curation service in which the authors hand-pick the best business communication articles and resources from across the Internet at http://businesscommunicationheadlinenews.com), and their unique online content-updating service for instructors and students, Bovée & Thill's Real-Time Updates (http://real-timeupdates.com).

Business Writing Blog for Business Writing Instructors also provides links to the latest news about Bovée and Thill, information about Bovée and Thill's textbooks, instructor support resources, and links to teaching instructors' communities on Facebook and LinkedIn.Y

You'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your classes that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites and take advantage of the wonderful classroom resources: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit this page.

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Business Communication Textbooks and Mobile

Why It's Critically Important to Have Mobile Communication Coverage in the Business Communication Textbooks You Examine for Adoption

Today's students are holding the future of business communication in their hands. As another disruptive technology redefines business communication, Bovee and Thill are once again the first to respond with current, comprehensive, and fully integrated coverage.

Just as Bovee and Thill pioneered coverage of the social media revolution, they now lead the market with up-to-the-minute coverage of mobile business communication.

As with social media, the changes brought about by mobile run far deeper than the technology itself. Successful communication on mobile devices requires a new approach to planning, writing, and designing messages.

With in-depth, integrated coverage of the challenges and opportunities that mobile presents, their books help students adapt their personal use of mobile devices to the unique demands of business communication. Through a variety of annotated model messages, questions, activities, and cases, students will gain valuable skills in the art of communicating via mobile devices.

Here's a brief outline of their coverage of mobile business communication.

The Mobile Revolution
▪ The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform
▪ How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business Communication
▪ Collaboration via Mobile Devices
▪ Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices
▪ The Unique Challenges of Communication on Mobile Devices
▪ Writing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Designing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices
▪ Visual Media on Mobile Devices
▪ Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Research on the Go with Mobile Devices
▪ Integrating Mobile Devices in Presentations
▪ Job Search Strategies: Maximize Your Mobile

Check Out These Valuable Resources for Business Communication

To order examination copies of Bovee and Thill textbooks, visit this page.

As you examine business communication textbooks, keep in mind that only Bovee and Thill cover mobile communication.

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Which Business Communication Textbook Is the Best for Your and Your Students?

Which Business Communication Textbook Is the Best?

A textbook by Bovee and Thill. Why? Bovee and Thill were the first authors to cover digital communication, the first to cover social media, and now the first to cover mobile communication. Bovee and Thill are also recognized as having better coverage of technology than any other textbooks. While they cover approximately 84 technologies, most textbooks cover less than 30. They're clearly the most cutting-edge authors in the field.

Importantly, Bovee and Thill's texts sell in greater volume than texts by any other others. Why settle for less? Go with the leaders, Bovee and Thill.

Why Business Communication Instructors Continue to Choose Bovée and Thill

The reasons instructors throughout the world choose texts by Bovée and Thill can be summarized as follows:

  • Market-leading innovation. The unique new coverage of mobile communication in this edition is just one example of how for more than three decades, Bovée and Thill texts have pioneered coverage of emerging trends and their implications for business communication. They were the first authors in the field to give in-depth coverage to digital media, then social media, and now mobile communication.
  • Up-to-date coverage that reflects today’s business communication practices and employer expectations. Technology, globalization, and other forces have dramatically changed the practice of business communication in recent years, even to the point of altering how people read and how messages should be constructed. To prepare students for today’s workplace, the business communication course needs to address contemporary skills, issues, and concepts.
  • Practical advice informed by deep experience. Beyond the research and presentation of new ideas and tools, Bovée and Thill are among the most active and widely followed users of social media in the entire field of business communication. They don’t just write about new concepts; they have years of hands-on experience with social media, blogging, content curation, search technologies, and other important tools. They are active participants in more than 45 social media sites.
  • Engaging coverage of real companies and contemporary issues in business communication. Bovée and Thill texts emphasize companies and issues students already know about or are likely to find intriguing. For example, cases in recent editions have addressed location-based social networking (the business communication implications of the FourSquare game app), employer restrictions on social media, and the use of Twitter in the job search process.
  • Integrated learning. In sharp contrast to texts that tack on coverage of social media and other new topics, Bovée and Thill continually revise their coverage to fully integrate the skills and issues that are important in today’s workplace. This integration is carried through chapter-opening vignettes, chapter content, model documents, end-of-chapter questions, communication cases, and test banks to make sure students practice the skills they’ll need, not just read about them in some anecdotal fashion.
  • Added value with unique, free resources for instructors and students. From the groundbreaking Real-Time Updates to Business Communication Headline News to videos specially prepared for instructors, Bovée and Thill adopters can take advantage of an unmatched array of free resources to enhance the classroom experience and keep course content fresh

For a wealth of material you'll find useful for teaching a course in business communication, we suggest you review these websites: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Refer this video to friends.


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Ideas for Teaching Business Communication

Ideas for teaching business communication are abundant in Bovee and Thill’s Business Communication Blog.

Instructional techniques and approaches have taken on new dimensions due to the abundance of new topics now covered in the course, including digital communication, social media, and mobile communication. Bovee and Thill were the first authors to cover these topics in their textbooks, and they have a wealth of ideas to share with their readers on a regular basis about these topics, and many more.

The blog offers origial articles that help instructors focus their teaching to help students learn more efficiently and effective. Articles discuss a wide variety of subjects, including new topics instructors should  be teaching their students, resources instructors can use in their classes, solutions to common teaching challenges, and great examples of activities instructors can use in class.

This blog will help instructors keep current with the latest information and trends in the field. It will help with the updating of lecture notes with fresh material. Instructors will be able to enhance their research projects with the newest data. They'll be able to compare best practices from other instructors.

You'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your classes that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites and take advantage of the wonderful classroom resources: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit this page.

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Teaching Business Writing

Teaching Business Writing with Extensive Discussion of Mobile Communication

Surprisingly, no business writing textbooks currently on the market cover mobile communication, except for textbooks by Bovee and Thill. Take a look at their extensive, current coverage of mobile communication that reflects theeal world in which your students are seeking employment. Here is a summary of their coverage:

▪ The Mobile Revolution
▪ The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform
▪ How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business Communication
▪ Collaboration via Mobile Devices
▪ Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices
▪ The Unique Challenges of Communication on Mobile Devices
▪ Writing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Designing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices
▪ Visual Media on Mobile Devices
▪ Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Research on the Go with Mobile Devices
▪ Integrating Mobile Devices in Presentations
▪ Job Search Strategies: Maximize Your Mobile

In teaching business writing, you'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your business writing course that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites and take advantage of the wonderful classroom resources: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, visit this page.

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“Essentials” Business Communication Textbooks

Are you going to adopt a cutting-edge "Essentials" business communication textbook with extensive integration of mobile communication in every chapter, or are you going to burden your students with a commonly adopted 'Essentials' text that's stuck in the last decade?

Because of complacency or too little knowledge about the topic, most business communication textbook authors are ignoring the mobile revolution. In fact, they’re pretending that it doesn’t even exist. In view of these facts, are your students getting the best education possible?

There is one author team that’s always on the leading edge: Bovee and Thill. Truthfully, they are the only business communication textbook authors currently writing about mobile communication. This should tell you a great deal about which author team conscientiously revises their texts and will always keep them current. Bovee and Thill were also the first authors to discuss social media and digital communication in their textbooks.

▪ The Mobile Revolution
▪ The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform
▪ How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business Communication
▪ Collaboration via Mobile Devices
▪ Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices
▪ The Unique Challenges of Communication on Mobile Devices
▪ Writing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Designing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices
▪ Visual Media on Mobile Devices
▪ Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Research on the Go with Mobile Devices
▪ Integrating Mobile Devices in Presentations
▪ Job Search Strategies: Maximize Your Mobile

The great challenge of teaching a modern business communication course today is helping students develop solid communication skills compatible with today’s business needs.

Writing, speaking, and listening are as critical as they've ever been, but these skills are now going to be put to use in an environment that has been disrupted by waves of game-changing technologies during the past few years.

One of the most disruptive changes to ever affect the field of business communication is occurring right now, and your students are most likely holding it in their hands this minute. That change is mobile communication, and forward-thinking companies are adopting mobile because it enables them to function a great deal more productively and to forge closer bonds with stakeholders.

Many companies need to embrace mobile for the simple reason that their customers and employees already have. You can’t communicate with people if you can’t connect with them, and that connection is increasingly made by way of mobile.

Now you know the truth. Only one "essentials" business communication textbook covers mobile.For a wealth of material you'll find useful for teaching a course in business communication, we suggest you review these websites: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Make the right decision. When you consider "Essentials" business communication textbooks, choose the text that thoughtfully covers the most disruptive technology affecting the field, mobile communication.

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Teaching Business Communication Skills

Teaching Business Communication Skills? Be Sure to Teach Mobile Communication, Too!

Smartphones, iPad, tablets, and other mobile devices have been available for more than five years. Therefore, for all the claims about it being to be up to date, wouldn't you expect your textbook to cover mobile communication? As much of a game-changer as social media have been, some experts predict that mobile communication will change the nature of business and business communication even more.

Venture capitalist Joe Schoendorf says that “Mobile is the most disruptive technology that I have seen in 48 years in Silicon Valley.” Researcher Maribel Lopez calls mobile “the biggest technology shift since the Internet.

Only Bovee and Thill cover mobile communication. All other authors are pretending that mobile doesn't even exist. Switch to a Bovee and Thill textbook today.

Check Out These Valuable Resources for Business Communication

In teaching business communication skills, you'll undoubtedly find the materials shown on the following websites useful for teaching a business communication course: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

To order an examination copy of a Bovee & Thill textbook, please visit this page.

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Teaching Business Writing Skills

Teaching Business Writing Skills with Full Coverage of Mobile Communication

The parallels between social media and mobile communication are striking: both sets of technologies change the nature of communication, alter the relationships between senders and receivers, create opportunities as well as challenges, and force business professionals to hone new skills. In fact, much of the rise in social communication can be attributed to the connectivity made possible by mobile devices. Companies that work to understand and embrace mobile, both internally and externally, stand the best chance of capitalizing on this monumental shift in the way people communicate.

Social media pioneer Nicco Mele coined the term radical connectivity to describe “the breathtaking ability to send vast amounts of data instantly, constantly, and globally.” Mobile plays a major and ever-expanding role in this phenomenon by keeping people connected 24/7, wherever they may be. People who’ve grown up with mobile communication technology expect to have immediate access to information and the ability to stay connected to their various social and business networks.

There's only one textbook author team addressing mobile communication in their textbooks: Bovee and Thill. For an examination copy of one of their texts, visit this page. Here an outline of their extensive coverage.

▪ The Mobile Revolution
▪ The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform
▪ How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business Communication
▪ Collaboration via Mobile Devices
▪ Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices
▪ The Unique Challenges of Communication on Mobile Devices
▪ Writing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Designing Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices
▪ Visual Media on Mobile Devices
▪ Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices
▪ Research on the Go with Mobile Devices
▪ Integrating Mobile Devices in Presentations
▪ Job Search Strategies: Maximize Your Mobile

In teaching business writing skills, you'll appreciate the abundance of valuable teaching resources for your business writing course that Bovee and Thill provide. Visit these websites now: Google+, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This sites will provide great assistance in teaching business communication.

To order an examination copy of a Bovee and Thill text, visit this page.

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Have your friends watch this teaching business writing skills video.

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