The following textbooks are the top 11 sellers in the field of business communication. The first three books are the leading texts in the field. The remaining texts are listed in no particular order.
Business Communication Today (Bovee/Thill) Pearson
Excellence in Business Communication (Thill/Bovee) Pearson
Business Communication Essentials (Bovee/Thill) Pearson
BCOM (Lehman/DuFrene) Cengage
Business Communication: Polishing Your Professional Presence (Shwom/Snyder) Pearson
Business Communication: Process and Product (Guffey/Loewy) Cengage
Business Communication: A Problem-Solving Approach (Rentz/Lentz) McGraw-Hill
Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World (Cardon) McGraw-Hill
Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online (Newman) Cengage
Essentials of Business Communication (Guffey/Loewy) Cengage
M: Business Communication (Rentz/Lentz) McGraw-Hill