Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

10 Pronunciation Mistakes Spanish Speakers Make

"In this video, you will learn the top pronunciation mistakes made by Spanish speakers. You will learn how to pronounce the H, the difference between B and V, Spanish R vs American R, why z's sound like s's by some Spanish speakers, words that end with M and more."

Watch the video . . .

3 Important Skills You’ll Acquire with Proposal Writing Training

Writing a proposal is one of the most important processes in business, and knowing the key elements of a great proposal versus a good or average proposal can make a world of difference to your career and to your business revenue. Here are some key elements for a successful proposal that you will discuss and practice throughout your proposal writing training:

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Incarcerated but Not Hyphenated

I received an invitation to a professional meeting focused on hiring “formerly-incarcerated talent (FIT).” FIT–that’s a catchy acronym. But what caught my attention more was the unnecessary use of the hyphen. Did you notice it? These are formerly incarcerated (not…

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Lake Superior State University’s 44th Annual List of Banished Words

"The wordsmiths at Lake Superior State University have released LSSU’s 44th annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness."

Read the full article . . .

Should You “Fake It Until You Make It?”

From Eric Barker at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Read the full article . . .

Top Grammatical Error of 2018–Do You Avoid It?

When a newspaper makes the mistake on the front page of the sports section, you know an error has spread. The writer, copyeditor, and proofreader all missed it. Can you recognize it? When I saw that error in a Seattle…

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Simple, No-Cost Gifts to Give

In many parts of the world, December is a month of giving gifts. On the job, you can give simple gifts this month and every day of the year with very little effort and no cost. Like the smile that…

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5 Secrets That Will Help You Master Conversation Skills

According to Eric Barker (photo, left), "I’ve posted about the fundamentals of networking, and even how introverts can network but many people have written to me asking about the nitty gritty of conversation skills."

"What do you say when you’re face to face?

"It’s a good question that isn’t often addressed. First impressions matter even more than you think. And once they’re set, they are very hard to resist.

"Let’s break it down:. . ."

Read the full article Eric's blog - bakadesuyo.com . . .

Another Sign for You to Proofread

My friend Eric W. sent me a sign that needs your proofreading eye. What would you change? Please share your recommendations in a comment. If your company or organization has a sign-making department, suggest that one of its team members…

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Take Time to Think Inside the Box

My daughter enjoyed an attraction called Enchant Christmas, which is currently in Seattle. I thought I’d like to go too, so I checked out the website on my phone. I was surprised that Enchant was also being offered in Arlington,…

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