Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Can Your Writing Pass This Test? Take It to Find Out.

It’s easy to fall into bad writing habits at work. Sometimes it’s because we are racing. Sometimes it’s because we have read enough swollen sentences, obscure acronyms, and endless messages to lower our standards. And sometimes we write on autopilot….

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Can Your Writing Pass This Test? Take It to Find Out.

It’s easy to fall into bad writing habits at work. Sometimes it’s because we are racing. Sometimes it’s because we have read enough swollen sentences, obscure acronyms, and endless messages to lower our standards. And sometimes we write on autopilot….

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Apostrophe Doubts? Review and Test Yourself.

A dear friend just told me about an embarrassing apostrophe situation she experienced at work. She had just put up a sign with the heading October Birthday’s, which listed employee and member birthdays, when someone stopped and stared grimly at…

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Apostrophe Doubts? Review and Test Yourself.

A dear friend just told me about an embarrassing apostrophe situation she experienced at work. She had just put up a sign with the heading October Birthday’s, which listed employee and member birthdays, when someone stopped and stared grimly at…

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Nauseous vs. Nauseated–Which Is She?

My dear friend just had major surgery in another city. Texting me to let me know how she is, her husband wrote, "She's nauseous a lot." But is she nauseous or nauseated? What do you think? Word sticklers distinguish between…

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Nauseous vs. Nauseated–Which Is She?

My dear friend just had major surgery in another city. Texting me to let me know how she is, her husband wrote, “She’s nauseous a lot.” But is she nauseous or nauseated? What do you think? Word sticklers distinguish between…

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Instructional Solutions Celebrates 20 Years [Here is What We Learned]

I’d like to share with you why I founded Instructional Solutions 20 years ago this month and offer three tips about writing, business, and life.

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How Do You Feel About Sloppy Supplier Messages?

A reader named Deborah shared a short email she recently received: Dear Sirs, pls let me have by return the supp docs about yr a.m. invoice because we cannot find our shpm. Thks and rgds How would you feel if…

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How Do You Feel About Sloppy Supplier Messages?

A reader named Deborah shared a short email she recently received: Dear Sirs, pls let me have by return the supp docs about yr a.m. invoice because we cannot find our shpm. Thks and rgds How would you feel if…

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Proofreading Checklist to Avoid “Oops!” Messages

I just received an “Oops!” email from our beloved, prestigious public television station. When I read the subject line, “Oops! Correction for Rick Steves Preview Screening and Q+A!” I instantly knew what the oops must be: a date error. Indeed,…

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