Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Incarcerated but Not Hyphenated

I received an invitation to a professional meeting focused on hiring “formerly-incarcerated talent (FIT).” FIT–that’s a catchy acronym. But what caught my attention more was the unnecessary use of the hyphen. Did you notice it? These are formerly incarcerated (not…

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Top Grammatical Error of 2018–Do You Avoid It?

When a newspaper makes the mistake on the front page of the sports section, you know an error has spread. The writer, copyeditor, and proofreader all missed it. Can you recognize it? When I saw that error in a Seattle…

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Simple, No-Cost Gifts to Give

In many parts of the world, December is a month of giving gifts. On the job, you can give simple gifts this month and every day of the year with very little effort and no cost. Like the smile that…

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Take Time to Think Inside the Box

My daughter enjoyed an attraction called Enchant Christmas, which is currently in Seattle. I thought I’d like to go too, so I checked out the website on my phone. I was surprised that Enchant was also being offered in Arlington,…

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Three Quests for Errors

Are you feeling smart and alert today? Test yourself in the three short passages below. Each “Error Quest” has just one error. Find and correct it. Error Quest 1: Since you asked, this is RoAnn’s and my suggestion: We believe…

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Since vs. Because [Are They Interchangeable?]

According to the APA Style Blog, “since” and “because” have specific meanings and should not be interchanged:

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Are You Envious–or Jealous?

Envious? Jealous? Do you use these words interchangeably? Or do you make a distinction between them? Test your understanding by filling in these blanks: I am _______________ of my neighbors’ gorgeous backyard. Rob feels _______________ when he sees Carlos talking…

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An Unimpressive Message From My Dentist

I want the best in dentistry–not business writing–from my dentist. But I’m still disappointed when I receive a pointless, error-filled email like the one below. In it, I have changed the name of the dental practice to “Your Favorite Dentist.”…

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Personal, Tangible Greetings: Why and When to Send Them

When is the last time you sent a card or note to a business associate? If it’s that long, read on for a nudge and some inspiration. The Case for Tangible Messages Thousands of unread messages fill my email inbox,…

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How Many Spaces Should Be After a Period? (One vs. Two)

Image from Cult of Pedagogy

Here is a client question received today, which I often hear in business writing courses:

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