Teaching Business Communication Skills? Be Sure to Teach Mobile Communication, Too!
Smartphones, iPad, tablets, and other mobile devices have been available for more than five years. Therefore, for all the claims about it being to be up to date, wouldn't you expect your textbook to cover mobile communication? As much of a game-changer as social media have been, some experts predict that mobile communication will change the nature of business and business communication even more.
Venture capitalist Joe Schoendorf says that “Mobile is the most disruptive technology that I have seen in 48 years in Silicon Valley.” Researcher Maribel Lopez calls mobile “the biggest technology shift since the Internet.
Only Bovee and Thill cover mobile communication. All other authors are pretending that mobile doesn't even exist. Switch to a Bovee and Thill textbook today.
Check Out These Valuable Resources for Business Communication
- The Ultimate Guide to Resources for Teaching Business Communication
- Business Communication Pictorial Gallery
- Business Communication on YouTubese
- Business Communication Slides and Videos
- Videos for Business Communication Instructors
- PowerPoint Programs for Business Communication Instructors
- Business Communication on StumbleUpon
- Business Communication on Reddit
- Business Communication on Google+
- Business Communication on Instagram
In teaching business communication skills, you'll undoubtedly find the materials shown on the following websites useful for teaching a business communication course: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
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