Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

How to Collaborate with People You Don’t Like

It starts with acceptance and reflection. Here are the specific steps you should follow."

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11 Habits of Ridiculously Likable People That Can Be Self-Taught

"Likeable people do better in life in general. They attract more people to them, along with opportunities and invitations. Some say they are likeable because they get more “breaks” than the average person. I think it’s the opposite, and there is a lot of research to back up my opinion. I wrote about the happiness advantage here.


"But if likeable people get further in life, can we become more likeable, or are we dealing with an inherited genetic code that has our gregarious dial preset before birth? No matter what our natural predisposition is, I’m certain we all can improve our likeability factor by changing a few key behaviors."

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.businessinsider.com

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What Is the Role of the Cell Phone in Business Communication Today?

The role of cell phones in business communication today is vast. Cell phones connect people to work and to each other in ways the landline never could. Cell phones today have vastly improved in the past decade and allow people to not only connect, but to have a powerful computer in the palm of their hand.

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7 Ways to Be a Better Communicator — by Tweaking Your Body Language

"Body language is so much more than moving one’s hands or waving one’s arms — and it’s also something we should all get comfortable with using, says communications expert David PJ Phillips. Phillips has spent years analyzing 5,000 public speakers to identify what moves work — and which ones don’t — when talking to an audience."

Sourced through Scoop.it from: ideas.ted.com

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12 Things People Decide Within Seconds of Meeting You

It takes just three seconds for someone to determine whether they like you and want to do business with you. Make that time count.

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9 Ways to Start a Conversation with Absolutely Anyone

There’s a way to connect with anyone, from the CEO to a new acquaintance. Try asking them for advice.

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12 Negative Behaviors That Highly Likable People Avoid


  • Scott Mautz is a motivational speaker, best-selling author, and former executive at Proctor & Gamble. 
  • Mautz says that being likable is not only an important personal attribute, but one that he considers key to being successful in the business world, whether as a boss or an employee.
  • Highly successful people are careful to avoid the most unlikable behaviors, which include humblebragging, being dramatic, needing constant validation, and giving shallow compliments.


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Technology Trends 2020

"This article highlights 20 technology trends that point to an exciting, chaotic, complex 2020.

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7 Simple Ways to Make Your Meetings Quicker and More Productive

Most companies hold too many meetings. And the more time people spend in meetings, the less they do on the work that needs to get done.

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Can Your Business Communication Textbook Pass This Test of Essential Mobile Coverage?

Take this brief test to see if the business communication textbook you've been using passes this test of essential mobile coverage.

This is an interesting, interactive test with automatic scoring for your convenience. Take the test now!

Note: For several highly interesting videos focusing on mobile communication, visit http://businesscommunicationvideos.com.



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