Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Your Students Don’t Need to Wait to Graduate to Apply Their New Communication Skills

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Your students don't need to wait until graduation to start applying their new communication skills. With Excellence in Business Communication's unique Apply Your Skills Now feature, they'll learn how to use their new skills in a variety of academic and personal scenarios.

Watch the short video . . .

The Secret to Sounding Smarter in Meetings? Ask the “Dumb” Questions

“Want to communicate more effectively? Then you need to ask more questions. Not just any questions will do; to be really successful, you need to ask the most basic, fundamental questions possible-in fact, the dumbest questions you can think of.

Why? Good question. Because the only way you’ll successfully communicate is by putting yourself in the shoes of your least knowledgeable audience member. To do so, you need to forget that you know anything and ask questions like these: . . .”

Read the full article by Alison Davis of Inc. . . .