Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Are Your Students Prepared to Encounter Artificial Intelligence in the Job Search Process?

"Are your students prepared to encounter artificial intelligence in the job search process? A growing number of companies now use AI (artificial intelligence) for recruiting and interviewing. more in Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition."

Watch the short video . . .

Teach Your Business Communication Students about Intelligent Communication Technologies

Visit http://blog.businesscommunicationnetw…

Intelligent communication technologies are sweeping through business, but only one text explains how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing business communication. Get ready for the future with Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition.

Watch the short video . . .

This Is How I Went from Working on Dictionaries to Working in Tech

Abby Wolfe tells the story of Erin McKean (photo, left) who went from lexicographer to start-up founder.

Read the full article . . .