Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

How to Talk to Anyone with Ease and Confidence

"How can you have dazzling conversation with everyone you meet? I have a few tricks and tips to using easy conversation starters that lead amazing and memorable conversation. Check out this video on the art (and science) of sparkling conversation."

Watch the video by Vanessa Van Edwards . . .

Free Download: A Guide to Building Conversational Presentations

"As presentation design expert Russell Anderson-Williams points out, 'In this busy world of countless communication channels, having the opportunity to interact with people in person should be something we relish, not squander. We should welcome and seek to build in the opportunity for them to interact with us constantly. We should allow them to guide the flow of our presentation based on what their interests are. And we should not be afraid to have ‘conversations’ rather than traditional presentations.'"

Read the full article by Chelsi Nakano (photo, left) . . .

Do You Know That You Have a Unique Communication Style?

"Communication is like the air we breathe; it is transparent. When we are speaking our native language we all assume that how we communicate is good enough. Few of us consider that how we write, speak and listen has evolved over our lifetimes. There are five key influences that have formed our style: genetics, family, culture, education and profession. Here are the kinds of questions I have my clients explore when working with me. Answer them for yourself to discover the influences on your unique communication style."

Read the full article by Sherwood Fleming (photo, left) . . .

“Poor Communication” Is Often a Symptom of a Different Problem

"Do employees complain that your company suffers from a lack of communication? That the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? Maybe the one doing the complaining is you. Or perhaps, as many companies do, you conducted an employee engagement survey and “lack of communication” emerged as a top gripe," writes Art Markman (photo, left) in a piece at HBR.org.

"I’d like to suggest that this problem may not be what it seems. . . ."

Read the full article . . .