Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Are Your Students Prepared to Encounter Artificial Intelligence in the Job Search Process?

"Are your students prepared to encounter artificial intelligence in the job search process? A growing number of companies now use AI (artificial intelligence) for recruiting and interviewing. more in Excellence in Business Communication, 13th Edition."

Watch the short video . . .

3 Times You Need to Drop the Act and Be Honest with the Hiring Manager

"You’ve probably been told countless times not to show your hand during the interview process, especially when it comes to letting a hiring manager in on other opportunities you’ve lined up. As a recruiter in a previous life, I’ve heard the gamut of textbook answers to the simple question, 'Where are you in your search?'"

Read the full article by Richard Moy at TheMuse.com . . .

Nine Thinking Patterns That Are Holding You Back and How to Stop Them

"The moment something unforeseen happens, we humans tend to slip into negative thinking habits."

"Not only do these thinking patterns drag you down when it comes to completing your goals — they can, in extreme cases, be detrimental to your health."

Nathalie Gaulhiac interviews Elke Overdick (photo, left) in a piece at BusinessInsider.com.

Read the full article . . .

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How to Write the Perfect Headline for Your LinkedIn Profile

According to William Aruda (photo, left), "I spend a lot of time helping people improve their LinkedIn profile and align it with their real-world brand. And I’m often asked for examples of profiles that do the best job of showcasing their creator. Although there are very few profiles where every element is exemplary, I’ve seen many examples of profiles that are truly  transparent, real, compelling and differentiated."

"When someone is checking you out online, the four most important aspects of your LinkedIn profile are: . . ."

Read the full article . . .