Teaching Business Communication is packed with a wealth of new ideas you can use to add value to your course and make it more instructive.

Teach Your Students What to Do When Colleagues Don’t Read Anything They Write. Here Are 8 Ways to Change That.

"Long emails and dense, difficult to decipher memos mean modern office communication goes ignored more often than it’s understood. For over a decade, I taught college students how to communicate in professional settings. Every class began with a single, all-consuming thesis: “Nobody will ever want to read anything you write at work. Period.”

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Your Students Don’t Need to Wait to Graduate to Apply Their New Communication Skills

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Your students don't need to wait until graduation to start applying their new communication skills. With Excellence in Business Communication's unique Apply Your Skills Now feature, they'll learn how to use their new skills in a variety of academic and personal scenarios.

Watch the short video . . .

Can Your Writing Pass This Test? Take It to Find Out

"It's easy to fall into bad writing habits at work. Sometimes it's because we are racing. Sometimes it's because we have read enough swollen sentences, obscure acronyms, and endless messages to lower our standards. And sometimes we write on autopilot," writes Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) in a piece at at her blog – BusinessWritingBlog.com.

"Let's find out if your writing passes a test."

Read the full article . . .

True – False Test on Formatting Business Letters and Emails

"The standards of writing change. What was once correct in business messages now comes across as old-fashioned–or does it? Take this true-false test to check your knowledge of basic formatting standards for business letters and emails."

Take the test by Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left) . . .

Write It Right in Your New Job

"A man recently contacted me about wanting to be successful in his new job. He realized his writing was not what it needed to be," writes Lynn Gaertner-Johnston (photo, left).

"If you have a new job, congratulations! Being successful in a new position requires learning and doing new things and accomplishing old things new ways. To write successfully in your new position, take the practical steps below."

Read the full article . . .

5 Steps for Effective Business Writing

"A lot of writing for business is sloppy, poorly written, disorganized, littered with jargon, and incomplete. Often it is either too long or too short. All these attributes contribute to ineffective business writing."

"Whether you are writing a sales proposal, an email to your boss, or an instruction manual for a software package, there are certain steps you must follow to be effective.  Follow these five steps: . . ."

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Jeff Bezos and the Perfect Memo

"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has some tips on crafting the perfect memo, which he broke down in his annual letter to shareholders."

Read the full article by Áine Cain (photo, left) . . .